At FancyPants, we are on a mission to make you as passionate about looking great & feeling confident as we are. Since 2012, we've been curating an uncompromising, bold and irreverent collection every month.

Why irreverent, you ask? Because the people who say "Trends don't matter" also follow trends. Seen anyone wear puffy sleeves when off-shoulder was in? Don't think so. This is fashion like it is.

This is the reality of fashion.This is fashion as it will be - changing with time & seasons - and who are we kidding? We always have to keep up. This is FancyPants, just for me & you.

Our Story

When Jankee & Stuti moved abroad for college, it took them no time to adjust to the fashion sensibilities of London, New York and Boston.

In London, Stuti’s transformation from wearing jeans and cute-everyday-tops to sporting a bolder 'Londoner' style that consisted of printed shirts, sheer leggings and wedges took only two trips to Oxford Circus. When she moved to New York, she realized that New Yorkers conformed to trends whilst keeping their individual sense of style intact. The next transformation was more about how to wear trends everyone was wearing, but taking the freedom to interpret it in her own way.

Collection list
